In this lesson you will learn:
How to troubleshoot your Facebook and Instagram connection errors
Next steps on if the error still persists
For creators who are experiencing issues with connecting their Facebook and Instagram account(s) on #paid, please review the steps below to help with troubleshooting.
If the issue still persists after following the troubleshooting recommendations, please start a chat with our support team in the bottom left-hand corner.
Note: these errors can occur during Onboarding or in Settings. The action items from each error state are the same regardless of where the error is occurring.
1. Connecting with Facebook Overview
If you're not sure how or where to connect with Facebook in #paid, watch the video below for a quick overview. Step by step instructions are also available in this article.
2. I've already connected with Facebook but it still says that I can't opt-in!
Within your opt-in request you might see a required prompt that says you need to connect with Instagram and Facebook before opting in:
To confirm this, please visit your account settings (top-right) > Social Accounts and Rates > scroll down to the Instagram & Facebook section.
You'll know that you're connected if you see information about your saved Facebook Page and Instagram account. However, if you're seeing "Connect with Facebook & Instagram" you'll need to click the button to reconnect with Facebook.
Important: After you click "Continue with Facebook" and log in, you'll be asked to select your Facebook Page and Instagram account. Click the "Save Instagram and Facebook" button to save (see video tutorial).
Connection Errors in Settings
1. 🚫 No Facebook Page found.
If you encounter the error No Facebook Page found, there is no Facebook page that is associated with the Facebook account you have linked to #paid. To solve this:
- Create a Facebook page
- Ensure your Instagram is set up as a Professional account
- Link your professional Instagram account to your Facebook Page
- Once the Page is created and linked, click Refresh on #paid
Note: If you have a Facebook page associated with your Facebook account and are seeing this error, it is likely deactivated (new Pages). To solve for this, you'll need to activate the Page before continuing.
2. 🚫 One or more permissions are missing.
If you encounter the error One or more permissions are missing when connecting, you limited #paid's access to your permissions. This will limit our ability to fetch data to fill out your profile (e.g. Followers, Engagements, Creator Licensing).
To solve this:
- Click Refresh
- Click Connect Facebook and Instagram
- Enter your account details
- When prompted to provide #paid access, do not edit the permissions being granted. Click continue.
3. 🚫 No Instagram account associated with this Facebook page.
If you encounter the error No Instagram account associated with this Facebook page, there is no Instagram account that is linked to the Facebook page selected. To solve this:
- Ensure your Instagram is set up as a Professional account
- Link your professional Instagram account to your Facebook Page
- Once the Instagram is linked, click Refresh on #paid
Note: If you are seeing your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook Page but still seeing this error, it may be a result of a known Facebook bug or your Instagram may not be Professional. To solve this:
- Go into Facebook
- Go into your Facebook Pages and select the Facebook Page you have linked to #paid
- Disconnect the Instagram account linked to the Facebook Page
- Go into your Instagram
- Update Instagram to a Professional account
- Link your Facebook Page and Instagram account
Once you're all setup, click the Refresh button in your Settings on #paid. You'll know your properly connected if you're able to enter in your Instagram deliverable rates.
4. 🚫 This Facebook Page is currently unpublished.
If you encounter the error This Facebook Page is currently unpublished, you have a Facebook Page using the old Pages experience that is Unpublished (meaning it is not publicly viewable). To solve this:
- Go into Facebook
- Go into your Facebook Pages and select the Facebook Page you have linked to #paid
- Follow the old Pages experience instructions for publishing the Page
- Once the Page is published, click Refresh on #paid
5. 🚫 The Facebook Page and linked Instagram you selected are already in use by another creator on #paid.
If you encounter the error This Facebook Page and Instagram are in use by another creator on #paid, there is another email account on #paid that is using these connection details. For security, we only allow a Facebook Page/Instagram to be linked once.
Most commonly, this is a result of a previous connection to #paid using a different email. To solve this:
- Log out
- Click Forgot Your Password
- Enter in an email account you may have previously used
- Click Reset Password
- If an account exists with that email address, you'll receive an email.
- Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password and regain access to your original account
- If no account exists with that email address, you will not receive an email
- Reach out to support via the Chatbot (bottom left) for next steps by telling them My Instagram handle is in use
6. 🚫 Unable to retrieve account details.
If you encounter the error Unable to retrieve account details, this is most commonly an error with the API call (this is what's used in the background so we can see your account details). Typically this error will resolve itself. To solve this:
- Click Refresh
- Try to connect again
- If the problem persists, please try again later
7. 🚫 Unable to save Instagram account details.
If you encounter the error Unable to retrieve account details, this is most commonly an error with the API call (this is what's used in the background so we can see your account details). Typically this error will resolve itself. To solve this:
- Click Refresh
- If the problem persists, please try again later
9. ⚠️ Nothing happens when I click "Connect with Facebook & Instagram"
Please make sure ad blocker extensions are disabled from your web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) if nothing appears after clicking “Continue with Facebook.” These extensions may sometimes interfere with Facebook's popup window.
If the issue persists without any ad blockers enabled, please contact for additional troubleshooting.
If you're still experiencing issues with connecting, please start a chat with our support team in the bottom left-hand corner.
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